Our team is highly qualified to serve our customers with a lot of knowledge, experience and technical capacity.Meet who is behind Archifactory!
Dennys Arendt
Architect and Urban Planner | Adm Partner
Management and
Execution of Works
Architect and Urban Planner graduated from PUCPR and Nelson Mandela University, South Africa. Specialized in Construction Management and Execution from IDD.
Antonio Albanski
Electrical Engineer |
Execution of Works and Coordination of Complementary Projects
Graduated in Electrical Engineering from UFPR in 1998.
Juliana Nunes
Architect and Urban Planner | Partner
Project Coordinator
Graduated from PUCPR, specialist in Construction Management and Execution from IDD and in Occupational Safety Engineering from UTFPR.
Nathaly Cruz
Architect and Urban Planner |
Financial coordinator
Graduated from PUCPR and Master in Urban Planning from PUCPR and Faculty of Architecture of Mendoza, Argentina.